Favorite Year So Far

This trip was my third year of ASP, and I had thoughts of it also being my last. This year, however, proved to be my favorite year so far.  This year showed me why we truly do ASP, year in and year out. It’s not for the service hours or to look better on college applications, but it’s for the unique bonds and connections you create with your group during day long van rides and nights full of karaoke. The

laughter that comes from stories and made up words in the absence of cell phones. But most of all, it’s the unexplainable feeling of being both proud of the work accomplished knowing that you changed someone’s life but also feeling sad to say goodbye. Every year I’ve focused more on the construction piece,

but this year, having less people than the last few years, I learned how important it is to let the construction take a step back and focus on building relationships with our homeowners and group members. I couldn’t be more thankful for having this opportunity, and I don’t know where I would be in life if I didn’t have this organization.

Written by Jace Wolf


The ASP Feeling