
If you know of a business or family interested in sponsoring our organization, click the form below to see the sponsorship tiers.


If you’d like to support our mission, please consider donating to our organization via Zelle with your bank app:

Or, if you’d prefer to write a check, you can make it out to Adventures in Appalachia Inc. and send it to the following address: 

Tool Registry

If you are interested in our ministry but unable to join us on a trip, navigate to our Tool Registry below!

Our Work Groups are looking for tools to build our inventory to enhance our process of making home warmer, safer, and drier for families in need. These tools will be taken on our trip and used throughout the work week for repairing floors, replacing roofs, building wheelchair ramps or porches, etc. 

We thank you in advance for your support!

Tool Donation

If you or someone you know have tools that are no longer used, we would love to take those off your hands! Please fill out the form above and we’ll get in touch with you to discuss any details.

Raffle Tickets

Each year, all members sell $10 raffle tickets. Four winners are drawn each month between April and August. Check out the 2024 winners below!


  • Emily Iller

  • Deb Hernandez

  • Joellen Carlucci

  • Janet Coffey


  • Robert Blumberg

  • Nick Tsingos

  • Paige McGraw

  • Phyllis Hernandez


  • Becky Feucht

  • Sara Yenor

  • Caroline Bajic

  • Debbi Fuhs


  • Steph Gear

  • Ann Reji

  • Julie Lindner

  • Nicky McHone