Why I Return

Coming home after the 10 days is hard. My family and friends at home didn’t understand why I wanted to go back so badly, but here in Illinois, the stars and the sunsets are not nearly as beautiful. The mountains had disappeared from the sky line and holding my phone in my hand felt unbearable. I dread coming back to reality. Waking up from such a perfect dream was harder than anyone could understand unless you were part of it, too.

There is no feeling like the feeling ASP gives you and there is no way to explain it. The people you meet and the memories you make feel unreal. It ends way too quickly. I miss the van rides, the music, the scenery, our homeowner and her grandkids, and the satisfaction of smoothing mud on the drywall all day. Our homeowner last summer, Angie, has such a strong faith. Her strength inspires me to be stronger, too: to be strong in my faith, strong in my love, strong in my body and soul.

Doing ASP has changed me so much. In the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect and I was very scared. Now I am no longer a scared little girl, I am the hands of God serving the world. The fulfillment and joy of helping others will always hold the top spot in my heart over every other feeling. I’m grateful for all the memories and friends ASP has given me. I have found a family here. Thank you, God, for leading me here, for lending me your strength to serve others. I come back to ASP to feel the same feeling, knowing it will be different every time, and I will make more memories that I can hold onto forever.

Written By Gianna Delosreyes


The ASP Feeling


Finding Myself in the Hollers